Now watching: The Colony This show exhibits a controlled experiment that asks makes us think how we would survive in the midst of a catastrophe. It tries to see exactly what we would need to survive and rebuild society under the worst circumstances. For 10 weeks, 10 isolated volunteers will have the task of rebuilding what is left of society after a viral outbreak, while finding ways to communicate and get electricity, water and food. What's interesting is that the 10 volunteers are specialised in different areas. They consist of a nurse, a solar technology technician/handyman, martial arts instructor, a machinist, a doctor, a contractor, a computer engineer, a mechanical engineer, a marine scientist and an aerospace engineer.
Hahh.. tiring week. Feeling so lazy though. Sleeping an average of 9 hours per day. Went to Suntec yesterday with the Big Brothers. Accompanied them to buy shirt for wedding ceremony and some other stuffs. Breaked fast at Macdonalds. The place was packed. I bought the MegaMacSpicy like everyone else did. Had to join in the bandwagon. Urghh I was so full. After the meal, we headed for the Esplanade for no apparent reason. Some hilarious stuff happened while we were chillin’…. =D. Breaked fast at Swensen’s ~
My mum’s friend’s son is so…. Scary? He keeps threatening others and saying things like “I’ll beat you up and kill youuuu!” He even scolded his teacher during class. And he’s only 4 years old… He would strangle his friends and ‘punish’ them if they do anything wrong. His behaviour is due to daily exposure to horror films ever since he was young. Ostensibly, he has NEVER watched cartoons. His parents are called up almost everyday. Sad eh. *Sorry for fragments
Dissent.Skeptic.Ridicule.Props for Guts.
Great to know Charlie Sheen is on Alex Jone's side and will have a twenty minutes interview with President Barack Obama. I'm still on the fence since the US government DID make a website to debunk myths of the consipracy theories. Even if i were to put behind all the consipracy theories, one question still stands. Why was noone held accountable for 9/11? Not even Osama. Osama Bin Laden is not charged with the crimes of 911. When FBI was called to ask them why this was the case, they replied: “There’s not enough evidence to link Bin Laden to the crime scene,” Later, it was discovered Osama had never even been indicted by the Department of Justice(D.O.J). This would again bring us back to square one. Even in our textbooks, Al-Qaeda and Osama wasnt fully introduced. Like how the US was actually the one who funded AlQaeda and how they are linked to the C.I.A. The government also lied about the air quality at ground zero which led to many deaths and respiratory illnesses to rescue workers and fireofficers. There was no evidence that a plane actually hit the pentagon. Endless list of lies...
Views/Responses – Claims may not be true/accurate~ ‘Jesus is a Musim? Is this a joke? There was no even Islam back then.’ To a certain extent this is true because Christianity was found around 600 years before Islam was found. Thus Jesus cannot be a follower of Islam. Actually if we were to follow the time frames, he was jew then Christian then a muslim? He was a jew as his mother, Mary was a jew. The Quran did claim that the prophets were muslims though. But if we were to use the English meaning of Muslim, which is one who submits himself to god, then all creationists are muslims, including Jesus.
‘Islam is just a twisted copy of Christianity. Your an idiot.’ I don’t know where to start. The statement is left unjustified. I might as well say that Christianity is a copy of Judaism since Judaism is older than Christianity. There are so many possible arguments you could make yet you chose a shoddy one. Your =/= you're.
‘Why do some muslims drink alcohol?’ Muslims, like members of all religions come in all levels of orthodoxy and varying degrees of adherence to the tenets of their religion. Some Muslims completely avoid alcohol and some do not. – Quoted
I was wondering, if a person asks a muslim, who is your god, would you say Allah? Allah is god in Arabic, so it wouldn’t make sense to repeat the noun in another language? So would a more suitable answer would be one of the 99 Arabic names, for example Ar-Rafi?
Quoted - Muslims prefer the Arabic word Allah to the English word God, because this English word God is often misused or misapplied.if some gentleman was to look after somebody's child as a guardian, we would say that he is a "godfather" to the child, and the woman - a "god- mother" to the child.This Arabic word, Allah, is? never used in any other sense. There is no such thing as an "Allah-father" or an "Allah-mother" or a "Tin-Allah." ALLAH is a unique word for the only God. Arabic, like every other language, also has its rules of grammar, but in Arabic you cannot make a plural form for Allah, nor can you make a feminine of Allah. All this is very unlike the English word.God If you want to make a plural, just add an "s" (Gods)You can make God? feminine by adding "dess" (goddess); and you can make God diminutive by adding "ling" (godling). Look at the sheer mockery and how his fertile imagination has run riot and havoc in denigrating the Glory and Majesty.
Was in the ijji forums. A guy started a thread listing 10 players and labeling them as top 10 in NA. He says that it was based on skill and not his opinion. Contrary to what he said, it was obviously based on his opinion. It would have been impossible for him to legitimately assess and narrow down all competent players in duels, tdms, quest, survival, clan wars etc. There was no intuitive observation made and certainly not all players were taken into account when the list was made. It was no doubt based on personal experience and some levels of biasness. Even the duel tournament would not be able to determine the top 10 players as their skills differs in different circumstances. I was glad to see that rishii, contro, gamic, solutionalls were suggested for top 10 asian players. What is appaling though is that the title was misleading. It said asian players but yet it only allowed sg, msia and hk. How could they disregard the Jgunz and Kgunz players... they're b.e.a.s.t.s.
So much trolls, hate and edrama. Pfft “Go to Google or Youtube and search for dumb America, more than 20 pages of your fucked up country, bitching and crying is all you do. Go to walmart or any supermarket in your country, the whole fucking place is filled with skin, I don't know how anyone can live there. Look at your upsize in Macdonalds, there's even a megasize or you could just say 'One cheese burger please, Fatass it'. Rofl, fucking racist? Look at yourself, fucking fatass dumbfuck American. Obese fatfuck filled country, fatland. I bet 90% of the surgeries done there are liposuction, tummy tucks and fat removal. I hope Fatland dies off, in 10 years time most of the people there would not be able to move because of obesity and get stuck in their mothers basements? and not be able to call for help. And the only way to earn money will be by selling liquid fat." - Quote
So much for enforcement You may not use any unlawful, threatening, abusive, obscene, harmful, defamatory, vulgar, harassing, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language toward any other player, in any language as deemed inappropriate by support personnel. The availability of a profanity/language filter is not to grant permission or license to use such language in any form.
Posted by MrZenic at 6:57 AM
Monday, September 7, 2009
I just got the weird-est message ever. "hey are you interested in datin a male????/Juzz curious"
Posted by MrZenic at 2:59 PM
Sunday, September 6, 2009
My sleeping time has become later and later ever since the tests. Just the other day, I didn’t even sleep. Was too busy doing something till I lost track of time. Although I wasn’t tired, I decided to take a nap at around 8am. I ended up sleeping for around 9 hours. It seemed so fast. My sis and mum went to Geylang that morning. My dad and I decided to follow em’ again at night. Bought some stuff and breaked/broke fast at the food court there. Met some old friends too. Now I’m just so busy with this new thing I found…I guess I’m addicted to it… ah.. bad timing. Especially with Olvls approaching. And NO I’m not addicted to games. Oh gawd, I suck at Chem, Am and Mt~
Gah.. so pissed with myself. Made a terrible mistake for English Paper… a stupid mistake which I don’t normally do~!@ Feel like ripping my chest apart… and there were things that I wanted to write, but somehow didn’t. This is why I hate exams.. pfft. Was to relaxed for MT paper.. felt like I had a lot of time, well actually... we do ;). I know I won’t do well but… haiz.
Teech me how not to cry over spiltt milkkk.
Got SS n EM to worry about nao. Shyt, tore my sis's tohoshiki poster ZxC. O well. Eh, the KFC doubledown sandwich is so... weird? Bread replaced with chicken and cheese/mayo as feelings? Its nawt even a sandwich. Dict: two or more slices of bread or the like with a layer of meat, fish, cheese, etc., between each pair. KFC failsss